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[ Non-Commercial COMMISSION ]

( For commercial work please contact : )



[ We do not responsible for any disadvantages that occur if you do not read the FULL notes and texts. ]

[ 如果您沒有仔細閱讀完整的委託詳情,我們將對任何發生的不利一概不負責]

  • All copyright belongs to bq (@bqscmq69 ), and the works can be used as my personal portfolio.

  • Crop, commercial use, secondary processing, tracing without permission are prohibited.

  • When uploading to other sites please indicate the source/author nickname (@bqscmq69).

  • FULL PAYMENT and No refund if I have started the work.

  • All artworks are marked with watermark.

  • Goods for commercial sale are not allowed but goods for personal collection are allowed. ( An additional fees will be charged )

  • 所有版權歸bq(@bqscmq69)所有,作品可作為我個人的作品集。

  • 嚴禁截圖、商業用途、二次加工、描圖等

  • 請註明出處/作者暱稱 (@bqscmq69)

  • 需全款,如果我已經開始工作則不予退還

  • 所有作品都會標水印。

  • 印製商品不可用於商用,只允許個人收藏。(但將收取額外費用


: Do :

Prefer Male Characters ( not too young )


: Do not :

Mechanic / Furry / Things that out of my abilities

機械 / 獸人 / 超出我能力範圍的東西

: Work flow :

Slot : [ Application / Inquiry - Full payment(100%) - Rough sketch - Sketch confirmation - Final + Last confirmation - Completion ]

Reservation : [ Application / Inquiry - 1st payment(50%) - 2nd payment(50%) ( When your turn to Slot ) - Rough sketch - Sketch confirmation - Final + Last confirmation - Completion ]

* NO MAJOR CHANGES after sketch confirmation *

Additional fees apply for revision more than 2 times during sketch.

在位 : [ 申請/查詢 - 全額付款(100%) - 草稿 - 草稿確認 - 完稿 + 最後確認 - 完成 ]

排位 : [ 申請/查詢 - 首款(50%) - 尾款(50%) ( 排到你時 ) - 草稿 - 草稿確認 - 完稿 + 最後確認 - 完成 ]

* 確認草稿後不接受任何大改變 *

草稿接受修改2次 之後將額外收費

: Working Period :

4 weeks ~ 12 weeks ( Slot )

For Reservation might over 12 weeks.

Work start depends on the order of payment and if the maximum working period is exceed without consultation, full refund will be given.

Additional fees is apply for early deadline.

Do not accept any request that required less than 2 weeks of working period.

4 週 ~ 12 週 ( 在位 )

排位的可能超過 12 週。



不接受任何需要少於 2 週工作時間的委託。

: Payment Method :

Default : Paypal (USD)

( Price + 5% Paypal fees = Final amount )

( For other payment method please contact me. )

** ONLY 50% of the total amount will be refund if it is due to change of mind of the applicant and for the refund amount, Paypal fees is not covered.

NO REFUND if I have started the work. **

Paypal (USD) / 郵局轉賬 (NT) / 馬來西亞銀行轉賬 (MY)

( 手續費 / 服務費需委託方自行承擔 )

( 其他付款方式可以聯繫詢問 )

** 不論因任何原因委託方改變主意,將只退還總金額的 50% 而已,並且退款金額的手續費 / 服務費將由委託方自行承擔。

如果我已經開始工作則不予退款! **

: Type of Commission :

Portrait : Head - Above Chest

Base price [ Mono : $ 30+ ll Color : $ 45+ ]

Half body : Head - Below Pelvis

Base price [ Mono : $ 55+ ll Color : $ 75+ ]

Full body : Head - Toes

Base price [ Mono : $ 70+ ll Color : $ 90+ ]


Base price $ 200+

( All prices listed are not included Paypal fees. )

( Price may different depends on difficulty. )

頭像 : 頭 - 肩以上

低價 [ 單色: $ 30+ ll 彩色 : $ 45+ ]

半身 : 頭 - 膀胱以上

低價 [ 單色: $ 55+ ll 彩色 : $ 75+ ]

全身 : 頭 - 腳趾

低價 [ 單色: $ 70+ ll 彩色 : $ 90+ ]


低價 $ 200+

( 全部標價不包括代匯費/手續費 )

( 最終價格以精細/複雜程度而定 )

( 關於NT / RM的匯率請聯繫詢問 )

: Additional Fees :

Addition people : Price x N person

Background : Depends on difficulty

Early deadlines : 50% of total amount

Personal goods production fees : $ 5 per piece

Revision fees : $ 5 per time after first 2 times

加人 = 價格 x N人數

背景 :價格以精細/複雜程度而定

提前截止日期(急單) :總金額的 50%

印製商品個人收藏):$ 5 / 单

修改費 :$ 5 / 次( 首2次免費後

: Working File :

All final work will in JPEG format 300 dpi and send thru Google drive link.

Canvas size will depends on what I working on.

Please mention early if you need specific canvas size and also file format.

NO CHANGE if there is no any early mention.

所有最終作品將以 JPEG 格式 300 dpi 並通過 Google drive link 發送。




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